
Easter 2011

We had such a fun Easter this year. We were busy having hunts and parties all weekend. I don't have any pictures of the parties because my camera isn't working and I didn't think to take pictures with my phone until it was too late. Sorry for the blurry pictures! The boys loved searching for their baskets, and having an excuse to eat candy at 8 in the morning.
They had a blast dyeing Easter eggs for family night. We might have dyed the eggs the day after Easter but they had no idea! It was definitely an Easter filled weekend. Reese was sleeping when we decided to do the eggs so she isn't in any pictures.


a bunch of randomness

Reese is getting bigger so fast and I love it! It's kind of sad too! I don't really want her to grow too fast. We love her, she's a little sweetie! 7 months old in picture

(6 month appt)

Weight: 15 lbs 9 oz 50%

Length: 24 1/2" long 10%

Head Circ. 43.9 cm 90%

Her favorite thing to do is sit up and play with her toys. She loves her brothers and she loves to out scream them!

She loves trying to stand up, or maybe she just likes getting her picture taken. Who knows?

I love having a girl buddy around. We have a lot of fun!

She loves talking/screaming to herself in the mirror!

These two guys are so funny! They laugh hard, wrestle, run, and play ALL day long! They are best buds. I feel so blessed to have them around to entertain me.

St. Patrick's Day lunch

My Grandma Bowen used to have us girls over for sleepovers and she would always bring out Grandpa's shaving cream for us to try to mold things out of it. We thought the boys would love that idea, and I think they did!

They were in heaven


Reese and Marky Mark

My friend Harmony has a cute dog named Marky Mark, Reese met him the other day and fell in love! I wish I had a longer video but this was all I could get......I need a puppy.