
it's about time!

We've been waiting for West to walk for quite a while. He's 15 months old, and I was starting to worry. He has such a laid back personality and I think he was just taking his own sweet time. He is walking everywhere now, and he loves it. I love watching babies when they are learning to walk, so I thought you might enjoy this video.


97.... and she's still got it!

My sweet grandma is 97 and she'll be turning 98 in July! She is so amazing, I can have normal conversations with her and listen to her advice. She has been my best friend for as long as I can remember. She is the perfect example to me and I hope I am just like her. She has the best personality and she makes us laugh everytime I talk to her. I am so lucky to have her living close by, I get to visit with her every Wednesday and I love it! She gets so mad when we say she will be around for a long time, but I really hope she is. I feel so blessed to have her as my grandma.


dinner with the girls

I went to dinner the other night with some of my girl friends. We had so much fun talking and catching up. It's so nice be with the girls and have a little break from the kids (thanks to kev for tending). We took five hundred pictures, and not one of them turned out!! ( I guess it was just me and Harm that had a hard time.)


my little stud.....

Lately G has been into changing his clothes and wearing his shades, this is what he does all day long. kev told him he looked like a stud and now he can't stop saying it, (and believing it). He makes us laugh all the time. We love waiting to see what he'll do next!