Kevin and I were at a store in Salt Lake with the boys yesterday shopping and we put West in a cart (I'm retarded and I let him stand up in it). Garrett was getting tired of walking so he decided to try to climb in the cart. Kev and I were busy looking at sunglasses and we didn't see G climbing into the cart. All the sudden we hear something crash, I look over and G is on the ground stuck under the cart and West was on the floor. Kev went to pick up West and found blood on the floor and on the back of Westons head. G was fine, but West had a pretty deep cut. We took him to the Dr. and they had to put five staples in his head. Poor guy, he was crying hard but he handled the whole thing pretty well. I think he did a lot better than I did. I hate that kind of stuff!! I'm just grateful he's ok.