
Thanks to the Letter Factory

I bought a Leap Frog video called The Letter Factory. Miss Amber recomended it for kids who needed to learn their letters. I got it for G but West loved watching it with him. I can't believe how quick the boys caught on. If you are looking for a way to teach your kids the letters this is the way to do it! It's perfect for any age and it's only twelve bucks!! West wasn't completely cooperating but I think he did pretty good.


melody said...

Wow! That is quite amazing. Really, he knows more sounds than most kids we evaluate after their first year of preschool. (So perhaps our students would be better off just watching the Leap Frog video every school day? Hmm, not a bad idea!?)

Crystal said...

LOVE that show! My oldest will still watch it, even it's on for the younger ones!