
carnival birthday party for g and west


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We decided to have a combined birthday party for these two little guys.  Weston never gets to have any fun parties outside so this year we changed things up.  I think they had a blast.  There was a million games to play and all kinds of snacks to eat. There is absolutely no way I could have done this party alone. My family and friends did so much to help. THANKS EVERYONE! Kev helped me SOOOOO much I don’t know what I would have done without him.

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Grandpa Bowen with Reese and Jane


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Grandpa Wood kickin’ back

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Popcorn cupcakes

(don’t worry they didn’t really taste like popcorn, it’s just marshmallows on the top of the cupcakes)

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G and West playing “shoot out” with the water gun

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     Kev made some amazing hotdogs                         G and his stache

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All the kids partyin’ it up

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Jess got stuck making cotton candy for all the kids.  She was a pro and a good sport!

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West enjoying his cotton candy

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What’s a carnival without a photo booth

Katie and Ash did an awesome job taking pictures! 

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He's 6!

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Garrett turned 6 a few weeks ago. I can’t believe it. I am still in shock. Do I really have a 6 year old? Garrett is really one of the best kids I know. He keeps us laughing, and he has one of the most contagious giggles I’ve ever heard. He helps out around the house every single day. He takes really good care of his little sis. I love having him around. He’s a little stud.

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We went to the water park to celebrate with Cole and Kateboys b day party 2011 006boys b day party 2011 005boys b day party 2011 017

He asked for legos and nothing else.boys b day party 2011 022

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I love him.


Reese - 9 months

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Reese is so much fun she is doing all kinds of tricks.  She walks around furniture like crazy, makes silly faces, throws fits, dances, blows kisses, says Mama and Dada, crawls (I guess you could call it that),has two teeth, eats anything and everything she finds on the floor, plays patty cake, and completely entertains us all. We love her.

Her measurements at 9 months:

Length: 26 1/2 inches  (11%)

Weight: 17 lbs. 1 oz. (13%)

Head circumference: 45.2 cm (78%)

She’s a short little sweetie with a big noggin and some chubby cheeks, just perfect.

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She’d be lost without her buddies.

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Rodeo and Mutton Bustin

Such handsome little cowboys
We went to the rodeo a while ago and had a blast. I don't know why but I have always loved the Strawberry Days Rodeo. It brings back so many fun memories. Last year G got to do the mutton bustin so this year it was Weston's turn. My parents and our friends came to support the little man. Watch the video CLOSELY and you will see how awesome he did.