
Reese - 9 months

june 2011 004

Reese is so much fun she is doing all kinds of tricks.  She walks around furniture like crazy, makes silly faces, throws fits, dances, blows kisses, says Mama and Dada, crawls (I guess you could call it that),has two teeth, eats anything and everything she finds on the floor, plays patty cake, and completely entertains us all. We love her.

Her measurements at 9 months:

Length: 26 1/2 inches  (11%)

Weight: 17 lbs. 1 oz. (13%)

Head circumference: 45.2 cm (78%)

She’s a short little sweetie with a big noggin and some chubby cheeks, just perfect.

june 2011 020

She’d be lost without her buddies.

june 2011 006


Flake Family said...

Oh I could kiss those cheeks all day!!

Bowen Family said...

Wow! she is doing a lot of new tricks. 9 months, I can't believe it. Tell those wonderful boys hi from my boys they sure miss them.

bkjones said...

what a doll. I just love her and her tiny self!