Kev's family had a going away party for us the other night. They had everything decorated, and they made a delicious dinner. We had so much fun hanging out with them. We are really going to miss everyone so much. I will be ok as long as everyone blogs!
Wait a minute! Did I miss something? Where are you going? Possibly Maryland? Just kidding, but that would be awesome. I hope moving is going well. Blogging really does help with the distance. Good luck.
We are going to miss you guys!!! Keep us updated on the fam and post lots of pictures:)
Hey Ash! We are so excited that you are coming to Texas! I was really sad to leave too but I havent been homesick yet. Ive been doing my research on Beaumont and we are living 5 minutes from a huge mall! If we get homesick we can always go do a little retail therapy..haha! See you soon!
Where are you going?
Good luck to you guys! I am just glad that it is not forever--I don't think my sister could make it without you. Keep us posted!!
What? Where are you going and why? Usually this sort of gossip gets passed to me. Well those pictures your sister took down lower are amazing. your boys are too handsome.Good luck with whatever it is you are doing. I am glad I can follow you on your blog.
You look beautiful in that picture - just like always. We are going to miss you guys and you better plan on hanging out lots when you get back. Thanks for coming to see us in the hospital and for the gift. You guys are awesome. Love you lots!! Come see us before you go if you can.
hey wait a minute...where are you going?? where ever it is, good luck!
I'm so sad... Matt & I keep talking about how no one will be able to take the Woods' place this summer! Tae will sure miss those boys!
where are you going?!? do tell! im so sad
Are you doig Texas for the summer selling? Jessica lived in Texas for a summer so Cody could sell, she liked it okay I think. The new culture will be fun for a few months anyhow, I bet you'll love it! Good luck...
I'm with the rest of the group. Why are you moving to Texas? Sounds like an adventure, no matter the reason. We might be moving to Houston.
Haylie Shore Hunsaker
Ash! I didn't even know that you were moving for the summer. I bet you guys will have so much fun living away for a summer...it's nice because you know you'll be right back when summer is over! It's not permanent. I wish you guys the very best and we'll stay in touch!!
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