G started preschool a couple of weeks ago. It kind of makes me depressed when I think about it! West is so bored without him, but I get a lot of e
rrands done during preschool! He loves his teacher Mrs. Amber and all of the kids in his class. He is such a happy and hyper person. I love everything about him!
What a stud!!! He is so freakin cute, Brayden wants to play with him so bad. The las two times we have gone up to Vicki's he has asked for him.
He is so dang cute! I love him. Im so glad you guys are back. Would you call us now. We were at your neighbors last night and came to see if you were home but you werent you suck!!
Stop it! He is the best lookin preschooler around for sure! I'm glad you guys made it back, you sounded like you were ready to be home! Hope things are going well. Love u bunches!
He looks so old in that picture. It's fun to see you every once in a while in passing at preschool!
Holy cow!!! I missed him!!
He is so cute! I can't wait until Kaden goes to preschool, I know he will love it.
What a handsome little man you have there ash...I can't believe he is already old enough to go to preschool!
No way! He can't be that big yet to go to school. It is so fun to have you guys back! Happy Birthday yesterday! I can't wait for our girls outting tomorrow!
That is the cutest stinkin picture. Who taught to pose like that? probally Kevin.
Oh my gosh Ash! I can't believe you have a preschooler...am I behind or what?! That is such an adorable picture of him!! He looks so grown up =)
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