Kev was the decision maker in giving the boys a buzz. I wanted to leave their hair just how it was! I guess it worked out alright. They just seem so much older. It'll work great for summer but I can't wait until it grows back! The boys love it! They think they look tough I guess that's a good thing!
They are still so cute!!! But I love the mohawk look.
Your boys are so stinking adorable. I think they look older too with the buzz and it will be nice in the summer. Hopefully they don't burn their heads!
And thanks so much for your sweet comment! That really made my day! It was just one of those days for me so it's good to hear everyone else's point of view on such matters. Is Kevin selling this year again? Are you moving anywhere? I can't believe that was a year ago when you lived in TX!! That went by way too fast!
Cute! they do look a lot older! Oh and I LOVE your bedspread...yes I am one of those people that always check out peoples houses in the background of pics, but that is okay cause i know that you are too! Can we hang out?
Tough, yes, but also grown up. Hopefully as their hair grows back their baby faces will come back too. But still as cute as can be.
oh they are so cute with hair and with buzzed hair! and I agree you probably will like it for summer! and boys hair grown back so fast anyway!
They are so cute no matter what. I love buzz cuts for the summer. I just did Brax and Luke's last week.
PS I love the bed!
I love that first pic of West I can't believe how big he is getting! We miss you guys! but we will be home soon!!
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