I am such a slacker when it comes to blogging lately! There's way too many other things to be doing when it's hot outside.

These two have been keeping me busy and very entertained this summer. I love them. They are hilarious.

G learned how to ride his bike without training wheels. We took him to the park and Kev gave him a push and told him to pedal and he had it down after about five minutes. It was awesome.

All he ever wants to do is ride his bike.

We decided to potty train West a few months ago and he caught on so fast. I thought it would be a nightmare but he must have been ready. He's done so good.

What would I do without these two?
No training wheels already! Wow. And I am glad to hear the potty training is going well. I'll have to get some tips from you when I have the energy to train Julia!
Holy cow, I think Weston looks so much like the little Ashley I grew up playing with. Crazy.
Way to go G on the bike riding, and way to go West on the potty trainig. You guys have been busy:) Thanks again for watching my kiddos the other day, Brayden hasn't stopped talking about playing with Garrett.
It is amazing how quick kids catch on to things. I think they are waiting for us sometimes to realize their potential. G looks great on his bike and I can't believe that Westy is old enough to be potty trained.
I sure miss those boys and you and Kev. Being outside is way more fun than blogging but I sure love when you do. Give those boys a big hug from me.
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