Garrett started Kindergarten and I'm feeling old! The first week was a little rough for him. I didn't want to send him because it was so hard for him to go. He wasn't sure about the bus or the big classroom. He told me one day after school that he likes to go under the playground at recess to cry. I asked him why he cries and he said, "Cause I miss you Mom." Seriously? It breaks my heart. One day at the bus stop he was waiting to get on and he had big tears running down his face the whole time. It made me want to take him home and never send him out the door again. I think the reason I felt so bad was because he was so quiet about it. Every time he would cry he would hide so nobody could see him. It was hard to watch him go through it but I knew I couldn't cave in and drive him to school everyday or hold his hand so I sent him on the bus everyday and now he absolutely loves it!!

West just started preschool right around the corner from us so we can walk to it. He goes twice a week in the morning (same time as Garrett) so I'm on my own twice a week and it has been great. I can't believe how big my boys are getting. It's nice because they are becoming more and more independent just in time for the baby to come. Only two more weeks!!

Your boys are the CUTEST!!! That is so sad about G! Im glad he likes it better now!
I can't imagine how hard that must be, to just let your child go out on his own. And to find out how sad he was...that's just too much. I'm glad he got the hang of things, and is having fun now. Those pictures of him getting on the bus take me back to the days that we were doing that right by your house.
Yoru little guys are SO cute. Can't wait to see your little girl!
Oh wow that is so sad about Garrett. It is scary to just be shipped away on a big bus. That is just too sad. Ella started kindergarten too and it is a scary feeling just sending them off.
Your boys are so cute and you are so close to having your little girl can't wait to see how pretty she will be.
They are both so dang cute... I love that West never smiles in pictures.. such a serious one :) I also had some fond flashbacks of waiting for the bus... It was never hard for me though, probably because I always had you and the twins! I can only hope that my kids have friends like I do...
Way to push through the tuff times Ashley (and definitely G)! That is so hard and you did it just right I think Ash. I'm sure that was to difficult. I can't wait to see pics of the new sweet Wood girl. I am so sad we aren't there to hold her. I love you!
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