
The Preamble

The first video is Garrett reciting the Preamble. It seems so funny to hear this coming from a 5 year old. His kindergarten class is learning it right now. Garrett caught on pretty quick. I just thought you might like to watch......The second video is Weston's take on the Preamble. Hearing G say it a million times has taught West a little bit of it. I didn't realize how good kids are at memorizing things.


Emily said...

Wow! I didn't learn that until 8th grade! I am amazed. I'm sure it was a family effort. Great job everyone!

And Weston is looking more like you everyday. Those are some cute kids you have.

melody said...

That made my day. I will have to show Jonny - he'll love it. I am amazed that Garrett can say all those big words so perfectly. And Weston is pretty good too! That is darling and quite patriotic.

Oh, and I was going to say the same thing as Em about Weston looking like you. It's weird to see some of the expressions my little friend Ashley used to make!

Beck said...

Holy crap woman I cannot believe he can say that whole thing. He is AMAZING!! I always wanted Brinn to marry someone really smart - Im just saying........

Anonymous said...

Okay, seriously the cutest thing that I have ever seen!

Anne Bowen said...

I'm so proud of my boys!

Bowen Family said...

Are you kidding me!! That was adorable. I can't believe how well G knows that. I can't wait for my boys to come home so I can show them this. I think we seriously underestimate what kids can learn and pick up at such a young age.

Love you all!!!