I'm such a slacker lately (that explains the out of order, LONG post). Being a Mom of three is definately a lot harder than I expected but I wouldn't trade it for anything! Life would be so boring without the little kiddos. I'm slowly getting the hang of things.

I love giving this girl a bath. She is so happy the whole time.

she looks nervous.

she looks like she might be starving

trying to enjoy some tummy time. that sweet face gets me every time.

Christmas is over just like that

I had to have proof that I have done their hair

random picture of Reese in the midst of all the Christmas fun

making, and eating cookies for Santa

Christmas morning (my pictures are in the wrong order. sorry, I have no time to fix them).

The Wood Christmas party

the kids love dressing up for the nativity

another random picture of Reese

These three are such good buddies. It's amazing how well Reese fits into the family.

Making gingerbread houses

I think the only thing Weston did was eat candy and watch me decorate. He loved tasting every single piece

So proud of their houses

the best part of making gingerbread houses is making a big mess

Santa came to visit Grandma and Grandpa Bowen's house again and the kids loved it!! They got to sit on his lap and tell him what they wanted for Christmas and then Santa gave them a present. They had such a blast, I think it was the most fun they've had in a long time. Thanks Grandpa and Grandma!

West and Santa (they look like they're good friends).

Garrett on Santa's lap

The present they got from Santa

Grandma and the kids reading the neatest
Santa story. My Mom got the book when she was about three or four and she still has it so she reads it to the kids every year and they enjoy it so much. It's a fun tradition.

Just the
beginning of all the kisses this girl is going to get (hopefully just from her brothers).

Grandma and Grandpa always do the twenty four days of
Christmas. It is so much fun for the kids. They have to do their chores before they can open their presents so they get everything done so quickly. I love it. It's the very best part of the day for these two!

the two handsome little devils

These guys are so much fun to have around. I feel like such a lucky person to be the Mom of these three amazing kids.
Adorable! Reese is getting so big!! We need to do lunch again soon
What an eventful Christmas you guys had. And those kids get cuter every time you post! Merry Christmas to all of you. And thanks for posting, even if your super busy.
I need to come and see that chubby baby. Those cheeks are so dang cute! I bet you just sit and kiss them all the time. Love you and your kids!! Can we please get together sometime? Yes I would love to come over to your house for lunch sometime, thanks for the invite!!! Hope you had a good xmas. Lvoe you woman!
Oh, your darling kids! Looks like Christmas was a blast. And yes, let's definitely get together. We would love to have you over any day to play. And if you can brave Gabe, we could drop by sometime too! Let's talk soon.
I can't tell you how much we miss you guys! I can't believe we haven't met Reese yet. She is adorable. I'm dying to get my hands on her. Your Christmas looks like it was tons of fun. Thanks for the call on Hanks birthday he loved the message.
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