Kev and I were going to dinner with my family the other day and the second we got there we got a phone call from the babysitter who said G sliced his finger pretty good on a can of mandarine oranges. The sitter was so smart because as soon as it happened she took him over to the neighbor's to get some help. The neighbor told us he thought it needed stitches. Kev and I were both thinking that G would be fine and we'd just need to stick a bandaid on it when we got home. So Kev, being the gentleman that he is, told me to stay and eat dinner and he went to take care of G. When he got home he looked at G's finger and knew it needed stitches so he took him in. They put four stitches in his chubby little finger. He didn't like getting the shot in his finger but he was okay with everything else. Kev said when they were done stitching his finger he looked at it and said, "Cool!" It's crazy, I didn't think he would really need stitches. The only good thing is now G doesn't feel so left out!
Yikes, looks like it's been a rough week for the wood family! hopefully you won't have any more trips to the ER anytime soon:)
Man...lets hope better luck comes your way. It's amazing what kids can do to hurt themselves. They are little tuff boys. Iv'e never had stitches but I think I would have a hard time getting them.
Man oh man... you know they say these things happen in threes...;)... you better keep Kevin in a bubble :)! Just kidding... that is CRAZY!! i am glad he is ok!
And i 2nd the last post about Kev being a good dad! He really is a good guy... and he proved it once again with this situation :)!
ASh- I don't know how you do it! You are seriously so cool about all those things. You are AMAZING! I want to come be your apprentice! hahah teach me how not to freak out and how to have adorable kids and how to make beautiful home decor! hahah I LOVE YOU!
Ouch! I can't believe they both got stitches so close together. I love that he said, "Cool!" That's what's so great about little boys! Hopefully no more Emergency Room trips =)
AAAAH I hope Thomas isn't as crazy as your boys! They are so cute!
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