
Kev is the coolest Dad........

Kev is really the coolest dad. The boys can't get enough of him. They run around screaming when he walks through the door (I think I do the same thing.) He spends every second with them. He is the most patient person I know. These are just a few pictures of some of the fun things he does with the boys. He lets them eat cereal out of whatever size bowl they choose, he drags the mattress out of our room at least twice a week to watch movies with the boys, he reads books to them all day long, he lets them help him with things around the house, and he will do anything else they ask! I love him so much he makes our life so much fun. Thanks Kev for all the laughs. We love ya!


Unknown said...

You got to love dad's! Your boys are still cute as ever!

Dyami said...

Wow I bet the boys just love when he babysits! ha ha. That's all so cute and fun! I might have to try using ridiculous size bowls and having slumber parties in the front room.

cryst said...

What a good dad (and consequently, a good husband)! Those Wood boys are awesome!

Emily said...

What a guy! But seriously, wouldn't an air mattress make his life little easier? Those boys will have some awesome stories and traditions to pass on.

Anonymous said...

That's awesome!!! We really need to have Garrett over to play:)

Jodi said...

Kev is such a good dad! How is West doing? Poor little guy. That seriously breaks my heart!!

Britt said...

What a sweet post! I love the cheap thrills that come along with childhood (eating out of big bowls)...and what is it about sleeping in the family room that is so fun?!? Erik wants all of us to sleep in the family room every weekend. It's fun when you are that age becuase you dont wake up with a sore neck and back!

Jess Schonberg said...

This just made me about 1,000 times more excited to have 2 little boys so close in age! They always think the dad is so much more fun than mom..I know Jacks already does!