I got in trouble this weekend because for some reason I got my anniversary confused with another day. I don't know why but I did. Kev came up to me first thing in the morning on Friday nd said, "Happy anniversary! yes! I said it first." and I said, "Nice try, it's not today it's on Sunday. Oh that is funny you thought it was today. How embarrassing!" Then he fought me on it for a while until finally I realized it WAS on Friday. HE was RIGHT? What? Isn't the wife supposed to be the one that has the dates memorized? He forgave me and we had a fun night out down in St. George while my parents watched the boys. I'm just telling you all this story so you can't be offended if I forget your birthday because I can't even remember when I was married.
Happy Anniversary! That is funny you forgot. Those pictures are so cute. YOu look like little kids.
Happy Love day!!! You guys look so little in that 2nd picture I love it. Its so fun looking back through pictures!!!
Happy Anniversary!! Im so glad that Im not the only wife that has done that. Jed and I had our reception the next day so I got a little confused to. I argued with him forever until he found proof that I was wrong. Felt like a complete idiot. Those pictures are so dang cute. You look beautiful and you guys look so young.
Way to go Kevin! That is funny Ash, Happy Anny! We miss you guys so much. I love the pictures!
Happy Anniversary! Your pics are gorgeous!
oh happy anniversary! that is funny though it kinda sounds like something i would probably do! and isnt it funny to look back all those years and see how young you look.. well I kinda think i look the same but jeremy looks younger.
Ha! Great story. Very understandable. After all, it was SIX whole years ago! Wow.
I can't believe you've been married for six years! Your not old enough to have been married that long. Happy Anniversary, and congrats!
Happy Anniversary! You look gorgeous in your wedding pics! Hope you guys had fun in George!
Happy Anniversary!!! You guys look so young in those pictures:)
Wow, you are so gorgeous. I love your wedding photos!
I love how women's minds work. We are SO SURE at things...even when we are dead off!
You two are hilarious! Congrats on 6 years and many many more to come!
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