
Weston's Preschool Graduation

Weston had his preschool graduation yesterday. It was great to see all of the things he has learned this year. I had no idea he could do so much, I was so proud of him. He sang songs, memorized nursery rhymes, recited sounds of the letters in the alphabet, counted by 5's and 10's, identified coins and what they're worth, and all kinds of things. He was happy and stayed quietly in his chair the entire program. He had such a great teacher. We feel lucky to have her teaching Weston again next year

Weston and his preschool class

Weston reciting his part for the program

Weston and his sweet teacher Mrs. Hunsaker

Weston, Reese, and Mom


Flake Family said...

You are INSANELY gorgeous! And you have some seriously cute kids too!

Young Family said...

Who is the sexy biotch sitting on your porch with your kids?? Seriously you look amazing, as always!!

Beck said...

So the comment from the Young family is not from Amber, Im just on her computer. Although she would totally agree with me!!

Unknown said...

your hair is dark! I love it! such cute kids!