Thank goodness we have a Maggie Moo's ice cream shop close by. The boys loved it! It's perfect for the hot weather.

Jodi and I took the kids to a park today. It was fun but we only lasted about a half hour because of the humidity. I think we will be hanging out at the pool a lot more!

West loved going down the slide backwards.

G carried his scooter all the way up FOUR flights of stairs!! I tried to take it for him but he was determined to take it himself. I wish I had a picture of his face when he was done. He never complains about the stairs, sometimes he'll even help me carry groceries up them. He's a good little guy!
That ice cream looks so good. I think Julia and I may just have to get out of the house for some today.
Hey Ashley-
K this is random but this is Lyssa Zimmerman, previoiusly Terry. I was blog-stalking and came across your blog. And you live in Beaumont TX?! I live here in San Antonio TX for my husband's dental school. Anyways, we frequently go out in that area cause my in-laws live in Port Neches...which neighbors Beaumont. Small world! Your family is gorgeous and glad to see another Utahn living in Texas! TTyl!
Hey ya I don't mind that you add me to your list..I'll add you too :) So what brings you guys out to Beaumont anyways? Is it a permanent move?
Well the voting ends tonight but sometimes, their site goes crazy. But thanks for trying!
Ya we started the blogshop a few months ago. It's been really fun to do. Who knows how we'll all keep it up but I love to make stuff. Can"T wait to sEe your many adventures in TX!
Hey it's me again :) Ya I'd love for you to add our blogshop! It will help spread the word on it. Well I hope your summer goes well then and you have a fun time!
I didn't even know you were in Texas for the summer. How fun! Good thing you have your blog so I can keep up with you and everything you and your stinkin' cute boys are up to. I love you!
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