I have a problem. Weston is only 17 months old but he is suddenly acting like a 2 year old. I'm so confused! I didn't know they could hit the Terrible Two stage BEFORE they were 2. I hope this doesn't mean I have a long road ahead. I need advice. If you'll notice in the picture above, he is actually spitting at me because I told him not to do something! He started this spitting thing about a week ago and everytime he does it I paddle his bum and put him in his crib for time out. He gets his feelings hurt everytime and cries harder than I've ever heard him cry. But the next time I tell him no he will spit again. I don't know if he's old enough to go to time out but I really feel like I need to do something. Did anyone have a little one like this? Or does anyone have advice? Really, I would love to hear. Thank goodness my mom is coming to visit next week, maybe she can take over for a couple of days and show me how to handle this little trouble maker.
First off, kids understand "time-outs" quite early. He is definitely old enough to get the cause and effect (*my opinion, of course). Also, both of my girls started the terrible two's much earlier than two, so I think it's pretty normal.
My best advice? Be consistent. Don't give lots of "second chances"--they don't get that so much. Certain behavior (like hitting, or spitting for instance) may not even warrant a warning. Just pick him up, say "Uh-oh, looks like a little time out. That's so sad" (Love and Logic is where I got that magical phrase) and deposit him in his room. Smidget knows we will leave the door open if she will be quiet, but she's older. With Chatterbox I had to just close the door. Don't leave him too long, (a minute per age is what I have read), then when you go get him, get down on his level, look him in the eyes, and sternly (and simply) review the no-no. (why he was there in the first place.) Then a hug and I love you and the incidence can be forgotten.
Now, every kid is different, but if I am consistent with my kids, this usually nips the specific bad behavior in the bud and lasts for a little while (days with one, weeks with another). After which, we pick up the routine again. :)
Okay, that was long. Hope it helps, though it kind of sounds like what you've been doing. I really, really like the Love and Logic parenting books. Check them out.
Kaden was the same way. By that age, we were well into the terrible twos. The good news, hopefully for you too, is that I think they grow out of it sooner. I started with timeouts and it worked really well. Of course it took about the first 100 times before he actually learned that he needed to stop what he was doing. I think the key is consistency and to keep the timeout's short. Also, I always talk with him after about what he did wrong and what he should have done instead. I hope that helps a little. I hate the spitting. Kaden actually started that as well about a month ago and we're still working through that. Good luck!
You're talking about my sweet Weston... There is no way he is bad!! You're probably exageratting like you do with G... Your kids are angels! They could never do anything wrong! Just give him a BIG ole kiss from his auntie Jess and everything will be better! He probably just misses me and wants you to bring him back to me and his girlfriend!
I'm sorry, that is frustrating!!! He is sooooo dang cute though, I bet it's hard to punish him. Anytime I have to punish Brayden he gives me his puppy dog eyes and says "I won't be naughty again mom" and it makes it so hard to punish him. I guess all I can say is consistancy and hopefully he will get it.
Sorry I haven't blogged for a long time, I wish I could blame it on my bedrest but that was only for 9 days (only 2 left). I just really suck at it.
I promise I will post in a few days, your boys are growing up so fast, we really miss you guys!!!
Hope all is well:)
I hear you loud and clear. Ella hit terrible at 17-18 months and stayed that way until 3. Not to say she isn't ever naughty now. But it is hard. She spent lots of time with her nose in the corner. I say this a lot lately, but being a mom is hard, it is so fun and rewarding, but hard. You sound like you are doing what you are suppose to. When it's not your kid it is kind of funny...sorry I laughed when I read this, but just keep up what you're doing.I love that picture of him.
You're SUCH a good mom Ash! I'm sure you're doing everything right- being a mom is just hard sometimes...so I've heard anyway. =) Be prepared to have me asking all of these same questions when I have little ones!
since i lack the parental experience i will just second lindsay's comment about you being a great mom and i am certain linz will be the SAME way!! can our kids be penpals? I miss you guys!
sounds like our little boys are in the same boat! I tried the spanking and the time outs. nothing worked. lately I have been ignoring jacks pinches and bites and because he isn't getting the attention he is starving for he just stops. I know it's hard to be patient but simply look away and don't give his little tantrums any attention. Everyone has their opinions but I guess you just have to find what works for you!
also, a note on time outs...what I found about jack is that he is still simply too young to understand. But if you do time-outs try not to put him anywhere that he can be entertained like his bedroom. a good thing might be a time-out rug or bench in the bathroom or at the end of a hall facing the wall(you can get cute little round rugs at IKEA for like 9 bucks. Yikes, I think I sound like a nazi right now!
good luck with what ever you do, I am sure your little angel will grow out of this in no time!
Yes he is old enough for time outs, since he is deliberately doing something he shouldn't be doing. Also consistancy is key. Don't make a huge fuss at it or give it extra attention or he'll do it for attention, negative or not. Just say, We do not spit, if you spit, you are going to time out. If he spits again, then take him to time out. That way, you warn him what the consequence is if he does it again. Always follow through on what you say or your credibility goes out the window.
And ya, Emma was acting horrible around that age too so that is normal..sorry :(
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